Thursday 3 October 2013

Shaiya Tutorials in Spanish

Hello friends! Here you have a link to our blog in Spanish, a greeting!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

How to reduce the LAG

The "LAG" in online games, is what we commonly call it when the game is slow or is delayed. It depends on several factors ( computer features, connection speed, graphics ...), but I will explain how you can reduce that effect in the game Shaiya.

In the game we have to go to the tab "Options" or press "O" on the keyboard:

Then go to " GRAPHIC OPTIONS":

And disable the boxes "Layer On / Off", "Effect On / Off" and "Helmet On / Off"

We can also reduce the "details"

Finally click "OK"

With these effects off we will have reduced the "LAG" a significant amount. I hope this have been helpful and with you i leave the link of the video where I explain it all in Spanish (Coming soon in english),  greetings friends!


Welcome to the Shaiya Tutorials blog!

This blog is dedicated to the game Shaiya MMORPG type of AeriaGames. We will publish tutorials, tips and other help for you to learn to play Shaiya and above all have fun. Hope you like it!!

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